~ Super-steamed Stuffed Courgettes and Portobellos ~
In Asian cooking, I have Hakka Yong Chap (Stuffed Tofu & Vegetables). In European cooking, I learnt Stuffed Portobellos and Courgettes from the AMC Head of Research Institute, Dr. Doris, during the launch of Easy Quick Lid in Singapore last December. I have been trying out the recipe for at least 5 times since I learnt it. It is simple but packed with nutritious goodness, making it a wholesome meal on its own. I just could not resist the temptation of a conveniently healthy and delicious recipe!
The Easy Quick lid is a brilliant tool for all “super-steaming”. I have used the method in this recipe. The new cooking method introduced with the word “super” added to it was not given for no reason. The Easy Quick Lid was design to allow excessive steam generated but controlled fully automatically between the temperature of 97°C to 99°C within the Pot unit to enable rapid steam cooking. As the concentration of hot steam is within the confined environment in a Pot sealed tightly with a Sealing Ring on the lid, food is steam-cooked within a shorter span of time.
Depending on the pot size and food volume, all is needed for the “super-steaming” method with the AMC Easy Quick Lid, is approximately 120ml to 180ml of water to the 20cm and 24cm Pot unit respectively for all steaming in the range of 1 to 30 minutes. That is about half an inch of water at the pot base. With food laid either in the Softiera Dish or Insert unit or both, it can be placed directly into the pot unit for steaming right from the start, unlike any conventional way which requires a huge quantity of water to be boiled first to achieve the steamy result, followed by removing the lid to place food in. The quality of food, in terms of nutrients, taste and flavours, are best preserved when food is cooked rapidly.
The “super-steaming” method does make a different. It does not require a big wokful/potful of water to be pre-boiled beforehand, followed by placing the food into the wok/pot for steaming. The latter can be pretty uncool with the need of grabbing a mitten or something to hold the plate before placing it into the steaming hot wok/pot in the fastest manner possible in hope of not loosing too much of the heat. The conventional way also tend to require more water to be added to the base to ensure that there is sufficient water for evaporation during the steaming process. When too much water is added to a cooking wok/pot, it requires high heat for a longer time to maintain the temperature to enable steaming of stuffed up food like in this recipe. The same goes to any recipes which call for steam method. This may result in dryer food content, flavour lost and most importantly nutrients lost. If that is not all, the conventional method is also using more energy than necessary, making it environmentally unfriendly.
In this recipe, instead of pan-frying the stuffed vegetables like I did in my Asian recipe for stuffed vegetables, these stuffed portobellos and courgettes were gratinated to gently brown the cheese topped on each piece to enhance the flavour of a steamed dish. As my little girl is not so adventurous with hot food yet, I did not add chilli flakes. The stuffed vegetables taste great too. So, I conclude that you may omit the red hot chilli to make a child friendly version in this recipe. These deliciously nutritious Stuffed Portobellos and Courgettes are so juicy and sweet with all juices retained within each piece. Each tender bite sends piping hot juices dripping down your chin. Beware!
Super-steamed Stuffed Courgettes and Portobellos Recipe (Serves 3) :-
- 6 large Portobellos (remove stem for stuffing)
- 2 small Courgettes (cut into 1 inch long & hollow middle part with a melon scoop, leaving a base for stuffing)
- 150grams Chicken Breasts (minced)
- 1/2 Brown Onion (finely chopped with AMC Quick Cut)
- 2 stalks Chinese Parsley (finely chopped with AMC Quick Cut)
- 1/4 Yellow Bell Pepper (seeds removed & finely chopped with AMC Quick Cut)
- 1/4 Red Bell Pepper (seeds removed & finely chopped with AMC Quick Cut)
- 80 grams Mozzarella or any cheese of choice (shredded)
- 1 teaspoon Oregano Flakes
- 1 teaspoon Chili Flakes (optional)
- 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
- 1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon Salt (optional)
- 150 ml Water (for Super-steaming)
AMC Healthy Cooking Method :
- Prepare portobellos and courgettes accordingly. Marinate minced chicken with all ingredients for 30 minutes, except water and saving 1/4 of the shredded cheese. Mix well with a tablespoon.
- Stuff the marinated minced mixture into the portobellos and courgettes. Place the stuffed portobellos into the 24cm Softiera Dish unit and the stuffed courgettes into the 24cm Softiera Insert unit. Top each piece with the remaining shredded cheese.
- Add water in a 24cm 6.5 litre Pot unit. Place Softiera Dish unit with the stuffed portobellos into the Pot unit. Stack the Softiera Insert unit with the stuffed courgettes onto the Softiera Dish unit. Switch on Navigenio to “A”. Turn on Audiotherm, place on lid knob, indicating 97°C or “Steam Window” and set for 5 minutes to super-steam.
- As Audiotherm beeps, turn off Audiotherm and Navigenio. Place Pot unit on an upturned lid. Gratinate the courgettes with the Navigenio upside down on high heat for 4 minutes.
- Remove the Softiera Insert with gratinated courgettes and place onto a plate. Gratinate the portobellos with the Navigenio upside down on high heat for 4 minutes. Serve warm.
Tips :
- AMC Easy Quick Lid cuts down approximately 50% of the steaming time required for the above recipe as compared to an AMC Classic Lid. Steaming with a Classic Lid requires 10 minutes from 80°C or “carrot window” point. Steaming with an Easy Quick Lid requires 5 minutes from 97°C or “steam window” point.
- Position the steam valve on the pot as far away from the body as possible and not towards the pot handles as hot steam would emerge.

Cover Pot unit with the AMC Easy Quick lid. Activate automatic mode on Navigenio and Audiotherm and super-steam for 5 minutes from 97°C.

The 150ml added to the pot right at the beginning is still at the base of the Pot unit. So, there is no need to add too much water to the base for super-steaming.

Rest Pot unit on an upturned lid and turn AMC Navigenio upside down to gratinate the courgette on high heat “=” for 5 minutes.

Courgette with strips of cheese nicely gratinated. As I was in a hurry to stuff the courgettes and portobellos, I took lousy photos and I forgot to snap one for the gratinated portobellos! Oops…