~ Baked Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake ~
I love baking recipes which call for 3 to 4 eggs. It is a brilliant 2 portions for small family of 3 to 4, 2 adults and 1 or 2 kids. When Madam Yin Ying Yuk, Independent Business Director of AMC Malaysia, first shared her recipe for Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake, I can’t wait to ask her about the recipe. It is a perfect recipe with 3 + 1 eggs. My hubby has always been a big fan of cheesecake but a non-bake ones will force us to down them hurriedly for freshness concern. So, a baked cheesecake will be a more ideal one as they last longer. Now that I have discovered Madam Yin’s Baked Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake recipe, the recipe will be a keeper! I have her to thank.
No matter how a cheesecake is made, baked or not, with or without “healthier” ingredients, it will still be “sinful” with a concentrated sum of calories from fat going down the in 2 to 3 days. This is how I justify having some slices of cheesecake, I saved my calories from fatless cooking with no additional oil added to my food. For each tablespoon of oil, there is 9 calories of fat. For 5 meals of frying without oil in a week, assuming the use of 1 tablespoon in each, I save 45 calories a week and 450 calories in 10 weeks. In translation, I can have a serving of 120 grams cheese cake every 10 weeks, assuming no physical activities take place. Sounds sad that I can only have a serving of cheesecake every 2 months?! The good news is 10,000 walking steps a day burns 500 calories. In theory, with 5,000 steps a day (which is considerably low target), I can have a slice of 120 grams or 450 calories cheese cake. Therefore, it is great to bake one which will usually last longer. When 2 portions are consumed over a span of 3 days instead of 2, I feel better. *cheat grin*. I can do better than just a slice of cheese cake every 2 months!
The advantages of baking a cheese cake over a non-bake cheese cake includes :-
- no guessing game if it is still save for the little tummies after 2 days;
- kept longer without refrigeration. This is a saviour especially when I run out of space in the refrigerator;
- pack them into the snack box for school or work, have leftover and they are still edible till the end of the day;
- kids eat without crumbs dropping everywhere and
- hold a slice with your fingers, no washing of an additional dessert fork later!
I bake without an oven. An oven will never be a part of the “furniture” in my home kitchen as baking is never been my favourite activity. Having a huge oven does not justify usage efficiency of the limited kitchen space as I do not bake often. My do-it-all kitchen tool will best be just an AMC Premium Cooking System where a Navigenio and most if not all my pots and pans can be used to cook and bake. It is truly my best mobile kitchen. No baking trays required, no wastage of energy in baking as it is dubbed the world’s smallest oven.
This Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake was baked with a 5.0 litre Pot unit and the Navigenio (hot plate stove/heat source) that I often use to cook my family meals. As the pot is made from high quality stainless steel materials which absorbs and distributes heat evenly, baking a cake within the pot is possible when use it in combination with the Navigenio. When a Pot is placed on the Navigenio, it acts like any other cooker stove/heat source, except that it can be used to cook automatically. When a Navigenio is placed on a Pot unit upside down, it turns into an oven.
Believe it or not, cakes baked with the Navigenio are moister as opposed to a conventional oven! Never try, never know.
Baked Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe :
A1. Ingredients (Chocolate Batter)
- 150 grams Butter
- 100 grams Castor Sugar
- 3 Eggs, 55-60 grams each (room temperature)
- 120 grams Self-raising Flour
- 20 grams Cocoa Powder
A2. Ingredients (Cream Cheese Batter)
- 250 grams Cream Cheese
- 30 grams Castor Sugar
- 1 Egg, 55-60 grams each (room temperature)
- 1 tablespoon Fresh Milk (or 1 teaspoon Milk Powder diluted in 1 tablespoon Water)
Instruments :
- Whisk
- Baking sheet (one round sheet for 24cm diameter pot)
- 1 20cm AMC Combi Bowl (to melt butter)
- 1 20cm AMC Softiera Dish (to melt cream cheese)
- AMC 20cm 3.0 litre Pot (to double boil/melt butter & cream cheese)
- AMC 24cm 5.0 litre Pot
- AMC Navigenio
AMC Baking Method :
A. Preparing The Batter
- Add 150ml water into an AMC 20cm 3.0 litre Pot and bring to boil. Switch on Navigenio to “A”. Turn on Audiotherm, place on lid knob, indicating 80°C or “Carrot Window” and set 20 seconds or “P” to boil.
- Meanwhile, add the cocoa powder into the self-raising flour in a separate bowl and mix well. Leave aside.
- Add butter to the AMC 20cm Combi Bowl unit.
- When Audiotherm beeps, turn off Audiotherm and turn Navigenio to heat level “3”. Place the Combi Bowl with butter onto the pot with boiled water to melt. Cover lid and melt butter for about 10 minutes. Once melted, turn off Navigenio. Remove combi bowl with melted butter from pot and leave aside to cool.
- Add cream cheese to the AMC 20cm Sofiera Dish unit.
- Place the Softiera Dish with cream cheese into the pot with water to soften. Cover with lid. Switch on Navigenio to “A”. Turn on Audiotherm, place on lid knob, indicating 80°C or “Carrot Window” and set for 1 minute to soften.
- When Audiotherm beeps, turn off both Navigenio and Audiotherm. Remove Softiera Dish with soften cream cheese from pot and leave aside to cool.
- Back to the butter left to cool, add castor sugar, followed by eggs to the melted butter in Combi Bowl and whisk until smooth.
- To make cream cheese batter, add castor sugar, egg and milk to the soften cream cheese in Softiera Dish and whisk until smooth.
- Add the flour mixture, prepared in step 2 above, into the butter batter in Combi Bowl and fold in with the whisk until well combined.

Add cocoa powder to the flour in another container. (I only use plastic container for dry or non-greasy ingredients for easy cleaning later on.)

Now add the dry chocolate flour into the butter mixture prepared earlier. For perfectionist, you might want to sift the flour into the butter mixture but I did not for convenient sake. ;p

Gently whisk the cocoa flour into the butter mixture. (Note that I whisk in the dry chocolate powder in the end so that I do not have to wash the whisk or use another one to whisk the cream cheese batter.)
B. Baking The Cake
- Place the baking sheet in an AMC 24cm 5.0 litre Pot unit, cover with lid and preheat with the AMC Navigenio heat level “3” to 50°C or “Meat Window”. Use the Audiotherm as an indicator by turning it on, place on lid knob, indicating 50°C or “Meat Window”.
- When Audiotherm beeps, turn off both Navigenio & Audiotherm. Remove lid and place pot unit on the up-turned lid.
- Pour the chocolate batter into the Pot unit. Swirl the pot a little to gently spread batter evenly in pot. Pour the cream cheese all over the top of the chocolate batter. With a knife, craft the mixture freely to create marble pattern.
- Cover Pot unit with lid and heat batter with Navigenio on heat level “1” for 5 minutes. Remove lid and place pot onto the upturned lid.
- Cover Pot unit with Navigenio turned upside down. Turn Navigenio on low heat level “-“ with Audiotherm activated to bake for 15 minutes.
- When Audiotherm beeps, turn off both Navigenio & Audiotherm. Continue to bake for another 5 minutes with the residual heat from Navigenio.
- With a plate covering pot, turn pot upside down to remove cake from Pot unit. Place cake on a cooling rack and leave to cool for 10 minutes. Cut and serve warm.

Cover the bottom of a 24cm 5.0 litre Pot with a layer of baking paper about an inch above the base. For measurement, you may use the Pot Lid to draw a circle on the baking paper and cut an inch away from the line.

With a pointy knife or chopstick, craft the chocolate batter from the outer ring inwards to create marble patterns like this or in any of your desired patterns.

Place Pot unit back onto the Navigenio, cover with lid and turn on heat level “1” to warm the base for 5 minutes.

Let Pot unit sit on an upturned Lid and Cover Pot with Navigenio turned upside down and bake for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, turn off the Navigenio and Audiotherm and leave the Pot on Navigenio to bake for another 5 minutes with the residual heat.
Tips :
- Beware of overmixing the flour added into batter. Gently whisk to avoid overmixing the batter.
- Leave the pot covered with Navigenio after turning it off for the last 5 minutes. The residual heat from Navigenio gradually reduces heat in pot to brown the cheese cake a little more.